The St. George’s Choir
“They who sing pray twice.”
~St. Augustine
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”
~Colossians 3:16

Music plays a central role in the liturgy and life at Saint George’s. Excellent music not only inspires, but can also transcend one’s soul in building a personal relationship our Creator. There are many opportunities to become involved with the Music Ministry at Saint George’s, from singing in the Choir to attending one of our concerts or fundraiser events.
The Saint George’s Choir is comprised of both professional and volunteer singers and sings at the 10am Sung Eucharist every Sunday, September through May. The Choir also sings throughout Holy Week, at several Feast Days, and at other events throughout the year including our annual Christmas Festival of Lessons and Carols. The summer, when the choir is off, offers many opportunities for parishioners to present their musical offerings to God for the offertory anthem. Past offerings have included everything from an acoustic guitar version of Bob Dylan’s I Believe in You, to classical bassoon instrumentals.
The Choir rehearses Thursday evenings from 7:30-9pm. One need not possess a beautiful voice or music-reading abilities to join the choir. The Choir hosts “Bring a Friend Night” several times during the season. This is an opportunity for those who may be interested in joining the Choir to attend a Thursday evening rehearsal followed by food and fellowship with the current singers. Adults and high school students interested in singing with the Choir should contact Organist/Choirmaster Lou Carol Fix.
The Bell Choir
The Bell Choir rehearses every Thursday evening from 6-7pm and plays during the 10am Eucharist approximately every six weeks. Some very basic music reading ability is necessary, though previous bell playing experience is not required. Adults and high school students interested in playing with the Choir should contact volunteer Bell Choir Director, Cynthia Pound through the church office.
The St. Francis Choir
The Saint Francis Choir is open to all children ages five and above. This is a non-auditioned ensemble and children who love to sing are encouraged to participate. Children will learn fundamental concepts of music and singing. The Saint Francis Choir rehearses on Sunday mornings following the 10:00am Mass during coffee hour and performs approximately four times a year.
The Bluegrass Gospel Revival
Recently, a new musical group has sprung up at St. George’s! Donning blue jeans and white dress shirts, these folk sing, play guitar, mandolin, and harmonica all in the bluegrass Gospel style. They can be heard certain Sundays at the 10am service.
Organist/Choirmaster – Lou Carol Fix
Lou Carol has over 30 years of experience in church music, and has served as Director of Music and Organist in Episcopalian, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian , United Church of Christ and Moravian denominations throughout the eastern half of the country. In her various church positions she has created several instrumental groups including a church band (brass and woodwinds), a guitar ensemble (acoustic and electric), an “Early Bird Group” (combining singers and instrumentalists), a percussion ensemble, and a brass ensemble. She has also directed Christmas and spring musicals for the young people in her church positions. Lou Carol was the manager for the Peace Concert Series at Peace Lutheran Church in Perkasie, PA for seven years. She also was the director for the first annual Peace Music Camp during the summer of 2009.
At St. George’s she also participates in the monthly Taize services by playing soprano, alto and tenor recorders and guitar. She contributes weekly bulletin notes on the prelude music each week and composes occasional hymn descants. She enjoys providing creative introductions to the service hymns each Sunday. She directs and performs with solo instrumentalists from the church membership and offers music lessons in organ, piano and recorder.
Lou Carol holds two Master’s degrees from Indiana University, Bloomington, IN: the M.Music in Organ and the M.Arts in Musicology, as well as the B.Music in Organ from Salem College, NC. She also studied the carillon at the Royal Carillon School in Mechelen, Belgium, and did further studies in church music and handbells at Westminster Choir College in Princeton, NJ. Lou Carol has recorded on the organ on the CD “Historical Organs of Pennsylvania” (2005) for the Organ Historical Society, and is a published author with her chapter on “The Organ in Moravian Church Music” in the book The Music of the Moravians in America by the University of Rochester Press (2008).
She currently teaches on the music faculty as an Artist/Lecturer of Organ, Recorder and Sacred Music at Moravian College, Bethlehem, PA, and has also taught at Moravian Theological Seminary and Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. She also teaches music in the Lower School at Moravian Academy in Bethlehem.
Lou Carol has served as Dean and Archivist of the Lehigh Valley Chapter of the American Guild of Organists (1999-2001) and was the Faculty Coordinator on the Steering committee of a Pipe Organ Encounter summer camp in 2009 held in Bethlehem, PA. She concertizes on the organ at conventions of the Organ Historical Society and the Moravian Music conferences, Bethlehem. She has performed on the Heefner Organ Recital Series at Ursinus College (2004), the Tannenberg organ recital series in Winston-Salem, NC, in 2009, and will perform again on the latter series in summer 2011.