How do Episcopalians Worship?
Guided by the Book of Common Prayer (1979), we worship by gathering in God’s name, hearing readings from Scripture following the Revised Common Lectionary, and preaching that expounds upon them; by praying for ourselves and others, and exchanging the peace of Christ; and by presenting gifts to God, celebrating the Holy Eucharist, and sharing God’s gifts with all.
“O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness…”
~Psalm 96:9

What are our Services Like?
Sunday at 8 a.m. – Our early service is celebrated in St. George’s Chapel, using the Rite I form of the Holy Eucharist. This means the language of our prayer is more traditional. There is no music at this service and its tone is generally more contemplative than the 10 a.m. service.
Sunday at 10 a.m. – This is a festal, sung, Rite II service of worship with full choir and congregational singing. The choir leads the congregation in the singing of hymns and service music, and edifies the liturgy with beautiful and inspiring offertory and communion anthems, ranging in style and scope from Renaissance to African-American Spirituals.
From September to June, Sunday school is offered for grades Pre-K – 12 during the Liturgy of the Word, the first half of the service. In addition, during those months professional nursery care is offered during the 10 a.m. service for children under four if parents would like to avail themselves of that option. During both of our services, there is a special space in the church for children 5 and under who are finding the pews a bit too confining. Parents are asked to accompany their children there so that all may enjoy a reverent worship experience.

The breaking of bread.

Proclaiming the Gospel