Wednesday Nights, 7:00pm
Wednesday night means fellowship and Christian learning at St. George’s. Whether you come for only one night a month or for every class in each series, you will leave having learned something new about the faith, made close friendships through prayer, study, and sharing, and enhanced your depth of understanding about the Holy Scriptures and the traditions of the Church. Never let the cost of the book we’re studying prohibit you from coming!!!! Speak privately with Fr. Ryan and a copy will be made available to you.
Spring Wednesday Night Class
beginning May 10, 2017
Oh, Hell!

Join us for lively discussion, enjoyable learning, and incomparable fellowship.
Come and see.
Fr. Ryan Recommends
Between the World and Me
by: Ta-Nehisi Coates
The New Jim Crow:
Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
by: Michelle Alexander
Disquiet Time:
Rants and Reflections on the Good Book by the Skeptical, the Faithful, and a Few Scoundrels
ed by: Jennifer Grant and Cathleen Falsani