Our Ministry

Ministry: Worship, Service, Outreach

At St. George’s, we believe that the ministry of the church belongs to all of the baptized.  We affirm this each time we say renew our baptismal covenant when we rededicate ourselves to proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ; to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbor as ourselves; and to strive for justice and peace among all people, respecting the dignity of ever human being.

Each sub-menu of the “Our Ministry” page describes in greater detail all of the wonderful and blessed ministries going on at St. George’s in the name of Christ.

Pastoral Care at St. George’s

The St. George’s family is made of all kinds of people, of all ages, and in all walks and conditions of life.  If you would like to receive a pastoral call or visit from our clergy, or if you are unable to be at worship and would like Holy Communion brought to you where you live, to your hospital room, or to wherever else you may be, please call the church office and let us know.  We would love to visit with you and ensure that you are cared for spiritually as well as physically. (610.642.3500)

Because of HIPAA regulations, hospitals can no longer notify churches when one of their members is admitted.  Therefore we can only find out if you or yours lets us know.