Day 340: Galatians 1-3
The reading for Year of the Bible, Day 340, is Galatians 1-3: Paul begins by establishing his authority as one chosen by God to minister to Gentiles.
The reading for Year of the Bible, Day 340, is Galatians 1-3: Paul begins by establishing his authority as one chosen by God to minister to Gentiles.
The reading for Year of the Bible, Day 338, is 2 Corinthians 5-9: Paul rebukes the self-promoting “super-apostles,” acknowledges the “thorn in [his] flesh,” and tells the Corinthians that he’s not angry, just disappointed.
Online text: 2 Corinthians 5-9
The reading for Year of the Bible, Day 337, is 2 Corinthians 1-4: It’s a more vulnerable and open Paul in 2 Corinthians. He introduces the concept of the “New Covenant” which provides encouragement to the believer.
Online text: 2 Corinthians 1-4
The reading for Year of the Bible, Day 333, is 1 Corinthians 1-4: After a positive opening, Paul immediately concerns himself with the strife and division within the church, a result of cliquish Corinthians.
Online text: 1 Corinthians 1-4
The reading for Year of the Bible, Day 330, is Romans 8-10: Life in the Spirit can overcome the limitations of the flesh. Discussions of Israel’s place in salvation history.
The reading for Year of the Bible, Day 328, is Romans 1-3: The Epistle to the Romans opens with an introduction of the writer, then a description of how salvation is open to all, in spite of universal human failings.
From our friends at The Bible Project…
Discussion board: Year of the Bible – Welcome to St. George’s Forum (
The reading for Year of the Bible, Day 320, is Acts 12-13: Peter is jailed, then freed by an angel. Herod Agrippa is killed by an angel, presumably a different one. Saul and Barnabas leave Antioch for the first missionary journey.
A complete animated overview from the Bible Project of the Acts of the Apostles (part 1).
Discussion board: Year of the Bible – Welcome to St. George’s Forum (
A complete animated overview from the Bible Project of the Gospel according to St. John (part 2).
Discussion board: Year of the Bible – Welcome to St. George’s Forum (