Welcome to the Nevil Memorial Church of St. George!
You can view our Parish Profile here.
Dear friends in Christ,
Welcome to the body of Christ at St. George’s. Since 1932, the Nevil Memorial Church of St. George has stood at the corner of Darby Road and Ardmore Avenue, welcoming all those who seek a deeper relationship with God in Christ. Wherever you come from, however you found this parish, and whatever your religious background, please know that you are welcome here.
St. George’s is a parish that values its worship of God, rejoices in its fellowship with one another, and is dedicated to service to the poor. You can read more about St. George’s in our parish profile, but I also invite you to get to know us in person. Join us for worship on a Sunday morning. You will find a welcoming congregation of faithful disciples who are committed to Christ and one another. Or, participate in one of our many social gatherings or outreach projects, to see the spirit of fellowship and service that animates our parish.
I know that it can be intimidating to visit a new church. If I can be of any service to you, or can answer any questions you may have about the parish or the Episcopal Church, please feel free to be in touch with me directly, either by phone at 610-642-3500 or by email at rector@stgeorgeschurch.org.
You will find God at work at St. George’s in many ways. Come and experience the comfort and joy of our parish family as we celebrate God’s love together.
Yours in Christ,
The Rev. Joel C. Daniels, PhD, Rector
Office 610-642-3500
EMAIL: parishoffice@stgeorgeschurch.org
Office Hours
or by appointment
Meet our Staff
The Rev. Joel C. Daniels, PhD, Rector

Violette DeSantis, Parish Administrator
Lou Carol Fix, Choir Director
Mr. Mark Alston, Sexton